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Viewing Threads.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:01 pm
by Tez
Hi Brayden.
Congrats again on the transition - seems to have gone very smoothly (well, from this perspective, anyway!).

I'm on another discussion group unrelated to Cars etc... but it seems to run on the same software, and is somewhat older (i.e. more mature?) - and is set up a little differently to TMB.

With the other discussion group, when you click on what would be the equivalent of our mightyboy icon adjacent to the thread title, the site takes you directly to the first posting in the thread you HAVEN'T read yet. - Very neat.

I see at the moment in TMB, to re-read a progressing thread, the reader gets dumped at the start of the thread regardless. If there are more than one page and you remember to click on the link to the latest page, then sure, you go there, but again, to the top of that page...

I wonder if there is a setting to change the behaviour of the links so that clicking on the link takes you to the most recently read posting +1 ..... ?

Now it doesn't matter if I log in at work or at home, I always jump to the latest posting I haven't yet read, so it must be something saved against my login on the discussion group's server.

Just food for thought...


Re: Viewing Threads.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:35 pm
by Brayden
I'll suss it out. Can you give me a link to the forum in question so I can check the software.

Re: Viewing Threads.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:12 pm
by Tez