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Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:43 pm
by Tez


Don't forget to pack a camp chair... :lol:

See ya tomorra! :D

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:29 pm
by Laura
Don't forget to pack a camp chair... :lol:
Could we not all back our cars in to one area, drop the tailgates and use them as couches? BYO cushions?

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:38 pm
by holk
Laura wrote:
Could we not all back our cars in to one area, drop the tailgates and use them as couches? BYO cushions?
Yes, if Dale is not around this year :lol: . Will explain tomorrow........

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:39 pm
by Tez
Could we not all back our cars in to one area, drop the tailgates and use them as couches? BYO cushions?
Absolutely. Just beware of Dales

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:40 pm
by Tez

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 7:37 pm
by Husky
Well, Where do I start?
What a great time to be had. I Really enjoyed the cruise, Great roads and what an awesome sight to see all those mighty boys :D
Tez, Big thanks for organising the weekend.
It was wonderful to finally meet some fellow MB owners for the first time.
Mr mightyboy himself, Brayden big thanks for taking me for a ride in your boy. Something to aim for! :twisted:
Mel, Great to meet you and thanks for looking after my wounds from my lack of ability on the Monkey bike :oops:
Ray, We wil have to catch up for a Sydney cruise :thumbup1:
Laura, Great effort to come down for the cruise, I hope you enjoyed it.
Also Not to forget the partners(co-pilots) of the Mighty boys. Nice to meet you and hope you had a fantastic time. Great to see the guys from last year, I'm already looking forward to next year :)

I'm sure other people will eloborate more on the weekend. I'm knackered after the long drive home :zzz:
Cheers Max

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:10 pm
by Brayden
I'll be writing up an article on the cruise tonight, so this will be brief.

1) Thanks always to Tez for organising the event with military precision. :P
2) To everyone who came along for the ride, you're an awesome bunch of people. Thanks for sharing the fun.
3) Special thanks to Cuz, his mate Allan and Paride for his handiwork with the welder. We traveled back with Chris N as far as Yass and PHT80Y was holding together strong.
4) Bring on 2013! :D

For everyone that couldn't make it along, stay tuned for the full story - at least my side of it! Oh, and there will be video too - which reminds me:

If anyone has photos or video from the weekend, please send me a PM so I can make arrangements to get a copy from you. We can either do it via DVD through the mail or I can set up an FTP host.

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:57 pm
by Tez
We traveled back with Chris N as far as Yass and PHT80Y was holding together strong.
Great News.

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:31 pm
by ceej
Just gonna once again thank Tez for all the hard work he put in to get this to happen. Had an excellent time, Garry made it home safe and well without any (excusing the times he was screaming at me at 5000RPM) complaints. Got some awesome shots along the way of him doing what he does.

Thanks to everyone else who made it out. Was a long drive for some and it's great to see the enthusiasm. For anyone who didn't make it, once again you missed out on meeting some great people and having one hell of a good time. Jumping pillow and stunt bike riding (Husky) FTW!

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:33 pm
Do we really have to wait another year for the next one :cry: As always massive thanks to Tez for organizing another top weekend ( and for chauffering me around Albury on Saturday night ). Great to see everyone again plus a few new faces, to everybody who didn't go you have no idea what you are missing the best, friendliest and most knowledgable group of people you could ever hope to meet. Thanks everyone see you all again next year. Travel Safely.

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:50 pm
by CHR15 N
Tez wrote:
We traveled back with Chris N as far as Yass and PHT80Y was holding together strong.
Great News.
Pulled into the driveway at 8:30pm. 8 hours travel with a 30min stop to rest my tired eyes. Front end still solid as a rock. Special thanks to Brayden's initiative thinking; "Yeah get a welder, I can fix that".

I was telling my other half, that I reckon with any other modern car club, any minor vehicle failure would result in an intimidate tow truck. But with us, tools, parts and rescue ideas come out of everywhere and makes these setbacks memorable parts of the cruise. Thanks for the help guys!

Good to hear everyone made it back eventually, Rebecca and I really enjoyed ourselves.
It was great to catch you all again.

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:38 am
by mini_kompressor
Well, what else can be said that hasnt already :D Fantastic weekend, fantastic people, great entertainment (Bec you should have called in sick, you missed out on seeing.......... Max--kenevil :lol: ) and a massive thanks to Tez. Without his enthusiasm and dedication for organizing this event, with military precision and time keeping, we wouldnt have an event like it. Big pat on the back to ya mate :thumbup1: It was so great to catch up with everybody, specially the guys from over the border. Bring on next year :thumbup1:

Re: Albury Gathering - 2012

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:24 pm
by Laura
My two cents:
I am so happy to be part of something this amazing.

It's great to know I am part of a club that is open, friendly, not wanky, and just appreciative of each others cars without having to constantly compete. Rather than comparing, each time I have attended the cruise I have been inspired! It is a very harmonious thing we got going! I might even dredge up the other ute from my folks place and get it going again.... maybe. So thanks Tez for organising and as always, Brayden for tech support!