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(VIC) Melbourne Cruise - Sun. 31 January

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:44 pm
by Tez
It occurs to me that there will be a fairly big gap between the Melbourne December Cruise and the Albury Gathering in March. I like to take my car for a run a little more often than that, so I've thrown together another short blast to keep myself amused and have decided to go on the 31st of January.
That'll then be near enough to 6 weeks after the December one, and 6 weeks before the Albury Run.

This time I couldn't be bothered organising anything too big, - besides, I'm still fussing about with some of the finer details of the Albury Gathering really, so I'll just be going for a bit of a run around the back of the Dandenongs and back.

Starting and ending point will be the carpark of Anaconda in Bayswater (just to be a bit different!) & there's a Macca's near enough next door for a coffee or lunch on our return. - Run duration according to google is about 2.25 hours = 74 kms

Here's the Route: (Going to go anti-clockwise)


Usual deal I guess... I'll lob in there about 9:45 and bug out about 10:00am - Feel free to tag along if you'd like! :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:04 pm
by holk
Lock it in, Eddy....
I am in. Given it is a short run I will try to bring more than one boy.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:25 pm
by eternal teen
Sounds great :!: Count me in. :) :rock:

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:21 pm
by ToranaGuy
Sounds pretty good to me, and i'll put my hand up for a yes unless anything comes up before than to stop me going. :D



Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:35 pm
by ToranaGuy
Come on guys & girls, must be more interest than this?



Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:13 pm
by ToranaGuy
No interest at all?

Come on ppl.....



Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:27 am
by Tez

I'll be there 9:45 and away by 10:00am.

If people turn up, they're welcome to come along, but no-one is obligated!

BTW. I hope to have my UHF sorted out by then, so if you have one, bring it along so I can test mine... :twisted:

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:09 pm
by Tez
Got my new UHF radio sorted last night - and it seems to work, so I'm up for some two/three/four... (whatever) way - car chatter on Sunday. :D

So bring, bring, bring your radio if you have one...! :-o

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:52 pm
by holk
My dad will join us with the latest arrival (the black boy). He does not speak a word of English (he has been living in Australia for the past couple of years and he is 70), but he shares the same love we have for these little beasts.

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:02 pm
by Tez
He does not speak a word of English
Well, that will make for some interesting chatter on the ol' radio.... :D

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:26 am
by Karu
Sorry all attendees, I will not be coming today. The wind here in the mountains east of the Dandenongs is horrific so I cannot leave the family in case of bush fire. Good luck on your drive today, although personally I would change the planned route and go somewhere safer. The Dandenongs are covered in tree strangling ivy that no governments want to tackle and on very windy days like today the trees fall over, not forgetting that last year two serious fires were lit there.

I am not trying to be a downer, but I reckon a trip to the beach is a better option and more people will see your Mighty Boys'

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:56 am
by Tez

Thanks Karu, for the heads up, but unfortunately I haven't got a plan "B", so it's Yellingbo or not at all today.

Maybe I'll pack my chainsaw... :-o

Here's hoping today passes very uneventfully for everyone! :)

9:45 peoples... Gone by 10:00am...


Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:31 pm
by Tez
So today turned out to be a hot and blowy day and as a consequence I guess, numbers were down a bit on some previous cruises, we would have started the day with three Mighty Boys, a Super Carry and a very tall Sierra, but two interesting things occurred...
Our starting place and time co-incided with a local cruise organised by some guys from the Victorian Mini Car Club (one of whom I knew), and so after a few minutes of chatting with them, they decided to pull the pin on their cruise and join us... So we swelled to 5 Suzukis and (I think) 2 Morris Minis and a Leyland Clubman.

So at about 10:10 we left the starting point, and hadn't been on the road for 5 minutes when suddenly out of a side-street another Mighty Boy joined in! :-o :D
As it turned out, the cruise route I had mapped out went right past the front door of the Mini owner I knew, so he asked if we could stop there for a minute or two so his daughter could also join in.

Now we were 6 Suzukis & 5 Minis.

The drive was fairly uneventful - we made our way from Bayswater across to Ferntree Gully where we picked up Burwood Highway and then the Mount Dandenong Tourist Road. From here it was pretty well all uphill - 3rd gear and 2nd on some corners until we got to Tremont (which is the top of the hill). Not content with pushing our little cars up the hill once in 37 degree heat, I soon lead the guys down some windy leafy back roads to Kalista where we could then head back up the hill along more windy, twisty steep roads... :? :wink:

Once we got to Olinda, we peeled off to the right and made our way towards Monbulk and on toward Yellingbo. If I hadn't taken a wrong turn, we wouldn't have seen the lovely Macclesfield (sorted that out) and finally arrived at Yellingbo. Here we took a short break (read toilet stop) and innundated the little country milkbar to raid them of Ice-creams and other cold delights...

Back on the road from Yellingbo, it was a fairly straight-forward process to find our way to Seville and then on to Mount Evelyn before picking our way through to Croydon and finally back to the start in Bayswater, returning about 12:45.

We had a few moments of concern as we came into Croydon - one of the cars developed a bit of an electrical stutter to the fuel pump which as you can imagine caused in turn, a bigger stutter of the whole car... But with two rolling stop/starts we got back to the starting point where we sorted that out in short order before he drove across town to home.

I'm sure the Mini guys had a nice day of it - they all thanked us for allowing them to tag along... We discovered another Mighty Boy owner (or perhaps more correctly - he discovered us!) who, we all suggested join Tamon... and had a great day - if a little warm.

A few pics are here:


P.S. - For those interested - The elapsed time was about 2 hours 35 minutes where Google had suggested 2h 18min, but Google hadn't factored in the 10 minutes or so we stopped for the Mini to join us, or the 15 or so minutes we lost coz I went the wrong way, or the 20 minutes Loo stop in Yellingbo. If we had not made all those stops, we would have smashed Google's time by a good half hour I reckon, and we were not hammering along at all...

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:38 pm
by JB
Great news Tez, another successful MB run.

I am yet to join in as my car is still not running, and I would have particularly enjoyed todays run as I grew up in The Patch, a suburb adjoining Kallista.

I will continue to enjoy living vicariously through your stories and photo's until the day I can actually add one more MB to the clan.

Thanks for making Melbourne THE Mighty Boy cruise capital!!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:30 pm
by mini_kompressor
Hey Tez, now im really spewin :x i didnt go today but like Karu the weather sort of suggested to stay near home just in case. I should have clicked about the mini run because Ian did say about it at the club meet on Thursday night. Hope all did go well, and i hope the Mb's showed the mini guys a thing or two on the twisty stretches :lol: