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vaping with e-ciggarettes

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:45 pm
by Crazee
Just wondering if there are any vapers on here? I've recently taken up vaping as a cheaper and healthier alternative to smoking and it works so well!

If anyone wants to know more about it or if anyone is a smoker and is interested let me know cos I've become fairly knowledgeable on the subject over the past month

For comparison it used to cost me approximately $7 a day smoking half a pack, I vaped for about 5 hrs solid yesterday and it cost me 7c lol

Re: vaping with e-ciggarettes

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:52 am
by arklan
is that those things that look like light sabers but they burn flavored oil ?

Re: vaping with e-ciggarettes

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:15 pm
by Crazee
Haha you're kind of close, yeah they ook like light sabers a bit. Mine has the led in the button though and is a step up from the skinny 'cig-a-like's. And its not oil its vapour made from non toxic bases and flavors and can have pure nicotine diluted in. 6 days smoke free with no withdrawal Im rockin my 'grape vape' right now :)