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Got room in your tray?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:07 pm
by milton
Thought it would be fun to see the different things that people have loaded up their trays with. If you have a pic of your MB or other suzukis fully loaded, post them up!
I'll start with this, 60kgs of Great Dane. Dog in a ute anyone? Haha

Re: Got room in your tray?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:24 pm
by pegusas1969
I was pruning the bushes at home when the wife said how are you going to take it all to the tip now that i don't have the company hilux ute. I thought challenge accepted. it weighed in at 160kg including the rubbish in the front seat as well.the guys at the tip could not believe there was a car underneath.

Re: Got room in your tray?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:17 am
by Tez
I bought My Mighty Boy for two PRIMARY reasons... As my daily drive to work, and as runabout-workhorse.
Here's a pic of him in Mode 2. - This sort of thing happens quite regularly around here... :snigger:
I've discovered over time, that, a tray-full of firewood (like this) roughly equates to three wheel-barrows full, and a wheelbarrowfull of firewood will last us about a week, running our Coonara of an evening in winter, so 1 trip from someone's nature-strip is three weeks of warmth in Winter :thumbup2:

- Since owning the car, SECONDARY reasons for being in it include FUN to DRIVE!, Social meets with other owners, Portable Sound-Studio, Rescue Vehicle... :thumbup2:

And for some weird reason, even though at work my co-workers all outwardly, seem to be dis-interested in the car (because it's such a tiny little insignificant thing) - whenever someone needs a lift to- or from- getting their car serviced, it's always me that gets asked to run them there, or meet them and bring them back to work... Some co-workers - several times now. I'm sure they're secretly envious. :lol:

Re: Got room in your tray?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:27 pm
by goose360
I carried my brother and his friends to their yr12 formal :)